
What We Remember, What We Forget April 6-May 15, 2018

A Group Fiber Exhibit featuring Gina Alvarez, Suzy Farren, Carlene Fullerton, Eden Harris, Kelly Larson, Lyn Magee, and Nadine Potter

For more than three years, we’ve met as a group twice a month – on Mondays – to talk about art and life. Loosely formed as a way to critique one another’s art, expand our knowledge of contemporary art, and broaden our art vocabulary, Monday Dialogs has deepened our collective understanding of ­­­­­­­­­­­­why we – and others -- create. Fueled by wine, our Monday dialogs are often animated, frequently funny, always interesting. Our discussions inform the artwork each of us creates. Though our styles, processes and materials vary, memory is a key component for each of us in the creative process.